XV Legion

One of the Legions of Cyre.

Consisted of a standard Legion infantry complement as well as several auxiliary units, most famously the Half-Moon Auxiliaries, a ragtag band that had no dress code, marched to no drumbeat, and generally should never have been allowed to continue to exist by any military organization… except for the fact that they were horrifyingly lethal in skirmish-style engagements, famously routing entire Brelish battalions before the Legate would need to even commit the legion infantry.

Its last Legate was Reinhard ir’Norhen. It was one of the few legions conducting maneuvers outside of Cyre when the Mourning fell. Unfortunately, they were in Karrnath. Reinhard gave the orders and the legion waged a last desperate campaign to escape to Thrane, where they laid down their arms and ceased to exist as a unit.