XLVII Legion

An organization of Cyrans who act, in secret, on behalf of their former country.

XLVII Legion was founded by Legate Reinhard ir’Norhen, commanding officer of the storied XV Legion. The XV Legion was in the field in Karrnath at the time of the Mourning, and Reinhard maneuvered his army to Thrane to surrender. Shortly after Thrane released him, he disguised himself as a shoemaker and began to contact former comrades and sympathetic contacts to organize the XLVII Legion.

Reinhard continues to serve as the legion’s Legate, although the current nature of the legion’s operations have the effect of diminishing the importance of the position. The legion is currently engaged in building roots, gathering information, marshaling resources, recruiting powerful allies, and, most importantly, searching for any possible way to turn back the Mourning. The nature of this work is quite distributed, and as such, the current legionaries operate with broad autonomy and in deep isolation. They exchange encoded missives by magical and mundane means, peer-to-peer, with very little in the way of centralized activity.

The XLVII Legion of 998 YK is small, at 26 members, but it has a growing political divide within its ranks. The dominant voice for the last two years has been the Royalists, who steer the organization toward the restoration of the Cyran monarchy. Ironically, Prince Oargev is one of their greatest political obstacles, as he has little ambition to carve out and claim a throne. The remainder of the legionaries are, collectively, the Radicals, who wish to establish a merchant republic: currently, Q’Barra is where they believe it may be done. The Radicals also envision a change in operating procedure, where the legion is made public and its membership extended to include any Cyran fit and willing.

Captain Tyrn recounts 26 current members, and he divides them into four groups. First, former Cyran military luminaries:

The second group is of former Cyran religious figures:

The third group consists of Cyran commoners:

The last group consists of non-Cyrans who have earned the trust of the Legion and have elected to serve it: