Testra ir’Gawaine

Brelish diplomat at the embassy in Regalport. Noble-born, quite skillful, and exactingly polite.

Testra is the rising star of the Gawaine dynasty, one of the most politically powerful families in Wroat. The second child of Dora ir’Gawaine and Reth irWynarn, her older sister, Sen, is the heir apparent to the bulk of the family’s wealth and titles. But Sen is lazy, undiscerning, and worst of all, indiscreet, and as a result her career as a politician has been wracked by scandals and setbacks. Meanwhile, Testra has excelled in every field she has applied herself to, proving to be a capable equestrian, battlefield commander (serving with the Brelish 101st Cuirassiers), staff officer, administrator, and diplomat.

Following the Last War, Testra sought out a diplomatic posting in Regalport, representing Breland’s interests in the far east. Her peers in Wroat tittered at the abnormality of this career move, perceiving Lhazaar to be a backwater and her other opportunities—governorships, generalships, judgeships all across Breland—to be more gainful. But she dismissed their objections, and as the ink was drying on the Treaty of Thronehold, Testra was boarding the Dol Arrah’s Rise, bound for Regalport.