I. Journey to the East

The party returned to South Pass to inform Zhao that they had burned the bodies and rid Baishen of wights.

There, at South Pass, they discovered that they had been magically bound together by the ritual they interrupted, unable to be further than a few thousand yards from each other without experiencing crippling pain. Zhao promised to apply her diligence to studying the nature of wight magic and how it may have affected the team. In the meantime, she admonished them to undertake their next assignment carefully.

They departed the next day for Shizuishan, seeking passage over the plains to the east. Their destination is Wukeiwang, a small imperial town in the Ki-Rin Ridge administered by a friend of Zhao’s whom she has heard worryingly little from in the last month. In Shizuishan, they met a dwarf, Orfko, and having helped him with a thief, learned that dwarven expeditions out of Wukweiwang may have unearthed a tremendous history in those mountainhomes: Durad-Om, the birthplace of the dwarves. With him, they met up with the Gyatso and his fellow Bluewood Bowmen, and now, they ride over the plains for the Ki-rin Ridge.

Now, as the party approaches a watering hole for an evening drink, the sandy soil rises around them, and hulking, grey, mottled bodies burst forh from it.

The party dispatched of the wights at the watering hole. The next afternoon, they parted ways with the Bluewood Bowmen and began their ascent into the Ki-Rin Ridge.